Thursday, January 07, 2021

True News -


René PleinAir said...

And be back over four years!!

The globalist will go full throttle now All over the world!!
Ruining everything in the persuite of more money and power,
killing every thread of National or Cultural heritage.

Frank A. said...


..maybe impeachment will make it illegal for this particular
globalist to run again in four years ?
"He" has crossed our palate and we did not like the taste.
Maybe, just maybe we have learned more than enough from the experience.
Is it not up to us (populations) now to be on guard ?

René PleinAir said...

I don't considder Trump to be an globalist, ...

In mine opinion he's done more good then bad for the American people, and world
for that matter.

Not starting a war is one BIG achievement to say the least !!
Getting on a "talking" level with North Korea is an other.
Putting China straight about the massive trade surplus which
was putting America in some sort of sale out is just fair.

But we'll see what kind of dystopian world Bidden and his globalists are going
to create, ... I'll guess every American will walk around with 150 facemasks
on top of each other over four years for a bug which kills almost no one more then

Frank A. said...


I read that we are at opposite poles ! :-)
It is nice that we can agree to disagree .
I am happy that you did not have a vote !

Stay well.


René PleinAir said...

Who did vote then??

Frank A. said...

Rene PleinAir..

"Who did vote then??"

I would have to say, "To few of the gullible."
