Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Amherst Island Village

Stella's Intersection    10" x 12"    o/p
Today's painting is on a Masonite panel that had been gessoed and a orange red coat of acrylic paint applied to the surface prier to its' use.
The palette for this painting was my "split" palette. It is as follows, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, alizarin, cad red med., cad.yellow med., lemon yellow.  I also have on my palette, Prussian blue. It and some alizarin gives a nice "dark punch" when needed.
I used a small brush to lay in the composition with a very loose mixture of ultramarine blue and alizarin. (A little heavier than a watercolour wash.)  I have found that when laying in the composition, it is easier to wash in big shapes, keeping a rag close at hand to remove or blot changes to the plan. Nothing lost ! In many cases, it saves having to basically destroy a nice line drawing that I had spent to long on anyway.
After I am finished with the washes it is just a matter of starting to cover the dark shapes (no line drawing to destroy now ) with your choice of colours. At this stage I have switched to a larger brush as dictated by the shapes.
I find that "things" happen faster with this method. No fuss and less mess !
'til next..


Algodão Tão Doce said...

Acabei de conhecer o seu blog, achei esplêndida sua arte, maravilha!!!Visite-me:http://algodaotaodoce.blogspot.com.br/
Siga-me e pegue o meu selinho!!!


Beijos Marie.

Frank A. said...

Algodao Tao Doce

Thank you very much ! Thank you also for taking the time to post your comment. Your opinion makes a difference..