Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Rainy Day Painting...

Willard's Barn    10" x 12"    O/P
Another 'rainy day' painting. Meaning that this piece was painted in a studio setting using photo reference, on a rainy day. The photo reference was a picture of a fall scene. I really dislike painting pieces that are 'not in season'. I guess the exercise was to make a summer painting out of a autumn picture.
The support for this painting was a Masonite panel that had been pre stained with a medium red acrylic paint and left to dry overnight.
I used a limited palette of ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, alizarin crimson, cad red light,  cad yellow med. , yellow ochre, chromium oxide green and titanium white.
My medium for this piece was liquin and very little odourless mineral spirits.
Round brushes were used through out.
It was an interesting painting to execute in that I did not feel locked into the autumn colours of the original photograph. Lots of freedom  !
'til next...

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