Tuesday, March 26, 2013

End of the Skating Season..

The Last Skate    8" x 10"    o/p

As the warmer early spring weather arrives, the winter ice melts and becomes unsafe for family skating . The water puddles on the surface of the ice is a sure sign that the spring season has arrived and it its time to "hang 'em up" for another year.

The panel for this painting was prepared with two coats of gesso and a coat of grey - blue acrylic. The blue - grey acrylic coat was about a number five in value.
I used my limited palette on this painting The palette consisted of, ultramarine blue, cad. yellow med., Indian yellow, cad. red light, alizarin and titanium white.
My medium was odourless mineral spirits, used sparingly.
This a rather small painting and it was a joy to paint.

'til next...



Very nice painting !!!

Frank A. said...


Thank you for your compliment. I am happy that you checked it out !
