Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ravaged by time..

Yesteryears' Barns    10" x 12"     o/p

The support for this painting was a Masonite panel that had previously had two coats of gesso applied to the surface and two coats of a light raw sienna with a touch of orange acrylic also applied to the surface prier to painting. This under colour was approx. a number four in tonal value.
There was a slight change in my limited palette for this piece as well. The limited palette was, Prussian blue, ultramarine blue, cad red med., quinacridone rose, cad yellow med. yellow ochre and titanium white. I also use sparingly in areas, grey med.

My medium was odourless mineral spirits which I used sparingly as well. I also used a 'round' brush on this ten inch by twelve inch panel .

Once I had drawn in the basic composition, the painting seemed to paint itself , as the expression goes. 

Thanks for checking it out...

'til next... 


Randall said...

Nice view of the barns Frank. Looks like you had fun painting it.


Frank A. said...

Randall Cogburm

Randall..Thanks for your comment . Yes, they were fun to paint. I worked with a different min. palette which made it all the more interesting.

I got a chance to peruse your blog.
..Nice "stuff" and interesting !

...Keep smearing paint..

Frank A..

jesusest@gmail.com said...

Hi Frank, nice painting, your palette is chanching a bit, very good, there is a plain air festival in Beleville your town, may 31-june2 here I leave you a link of the event http://www.bellevillepleinairfestival.com/

Frank A. said...

Jesus Estevez..

Jesus, Thank you for the comment on my last painting and the change in palette. Appreciated !
As to the art festival, thanks again for the link. I will certainly take it under consideration. Sounds like fun !
