Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Autumn Trying To Hang On...

A Pocket Of Colour   11" x 14"   O/P

Yesterday, I saw my first snowflakes of this late fall. I just knew that was a bad sign that the colours of autumn would really disappear from sight. And if that was not sign enough, I awoke this morning to zero temperatures. That would be enough for sure to dash any thought of finding left over colour . If anything is left, it may be found  hiding in protected areas. Hmm, happy hunting !

I used the left over mixtures from my last painting to begin this painting. A 'hodgepodge' of colour if ever there was, thinned with my odourless painting medium. I just could not throw away those beautiful tinted greys.
As the painting progressed, I added more clean colour from my limited palette and played the old and new paint together until the painting came together.
I had my doubts it would happen for me, but perseverance prevailed.

'til next..

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