Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Road To The Point 10" x 12" oil on panel

With the beginning of our autumn, the trees are starting to show their colours. It is a great day for painting and to start the painting marathon as the colours will be coming fast and disappearing all too soon with the coming of, dare I say, "snow"?

The support for this piece was a piece of Masonite panel that was prepared with three coats of gesso and a very loose orange and purple oil wash, dried to the touch with a hair dryer. It was then left to dry further over night . I prefer that the colour stay 'open' so that it may be painted over or 'wiped' from the panel as need be.

The colours for this panting were, Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin, Cadmium Red Medium, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Lemon yellow, Sap Green, Raw Sienna and Titanium White.

As you can see from the photo below, I did stray from the original scene and I feel that the painting is better for it. I think it is great to put some of your own imagination into a painting. A little bit of 'you' if you will.
Altogether, a great day !
'til next.

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